Schau mal Du hast recht gehabt und ich auch. Bin verärgert das der Sprott für 0,5 % 8 Mio Cad in Form von Aktien von Ely erhält. Mittlerweile hat Er für einen Apfel und ein Ei vollverwässert fast 30 % des Kapitals erworben. Finde Ihn ja als Investor positiv, aber hier bekommt Er viel zu viel und das zu einem sehr günstigen Kurs. Dementsprechend geht hier die Verwässerung weiter. Bin mal gespannt wie der Markt heute darauf reagieren wird. Ich sitze heute Nachmittag am Verkaufsknopf wenn es nach unten gehen sollte. Wie siehst Du das ? Ely Gold to acquire 0.5% NSR on Jerritt Canyon mine 2020-02-04 18:28 ET - News Release Mr. Trey Wasser reports ELY GOLD ROYALTIES (TSXV: ELY) (OTCQB: ELYGF) ANNOUNCES INTENT TO PURCHASE PRODUCING ROYALTY ON JERRITT CANYON MINE, ELKO COUNTY, NEVADA Ely Gold Royalties Inc. has entered into an agreement with Eric Sprott of Toronto, Ont., dated Feb. 3, 2020, pursuant to which Ely Gold has agreed to acquire from Sprott a 0.5-per-cent net smelter returns royalty (target royalty) on the gold-producing Jerritt Canyon mine facility, located in Elko, Nev., and currently operated by Jerritt Canyon Gold LLC (JCG LLC) a private Nevada limited liability company (the "Transaction"). Sprott originally acquired the Target Royalty from Veris Gold USA Inc. ("Veris") in 2014, pursuant to an April 9, 2014 agreement concerning the Jerritt Canyon Mine wherein Veris was obligated to convey and grant the Target Royalty to Sprott. Ely Gold already holds a per ton royalty interest on the Jerritt Canyon processing facilities that it acquired in a private transaction in 2019 (refer to press release dated May 23, 2019). In consideration for the Target Royalty, Ely Gold has agreed to pay CAD$8,000,000 to Sprott, payable by issuance of 12,698,413 Ely Gold common shares at a deemed issue price of $0.63 per share (the "Ely Gold Shares"). In connection with its assistance with the Transaction, Ely Gold has agreed to pay a finder's fee to Medalist Capital Ltd. comprising a cash fee of 1.0% of the Transaction price, plus 300,000 Ely Gold Share purchase warrants each exercisable over a three-year term to purchase one Ely Gold Share at an exercise price of $0.63 per share. All of the Ely Gold securities issued in the Transaction will be subject to a four-month hold period pursuant to applicable TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV") policies and applicable securities laws. The Transaction remains subject to certain customary commercial conditions, including Ely Gold's completion of its due diligence on the Target Royalty, settling definitive Transaction documentation, and receipt of all approvals required under TSXV policies and applicable securities laws. As part of its Transaction due diligence, Ely Gold plans to commission and file an independent updated National Instrument 43-101 technical report on the Jerritt Canyon Mine within 45 days of this news release. The last publicly available technical report on the property was filed by Veris in on July 11, 2013 ("NI-43-101 Technical Report Veris Gold Corp. Jerritt Canyon Property, Elko County, Nevada; Effective Date: December 31, 2012", See Before giving effect to the Transaction, Sprott holds, directly and indirectly, 5,615,454 outstanding Ely Gold Shares, and warrants to purchase up to an additional 19,023,943 Ely Gold Shares at an average exercise price of $0.36 per share. On this basis and given the current approximate issued and outstanding total of 100.3 million Ely Gold Shares, Sprott's direct and indirect holdings represent approximately 5.6% of the outstanding Ely Gold Shares on a non-diluted basis, and approximately 20.7% on a partially diluted basis. After giving effect to the Transaction, Sprott will hold approximately 16.2% of the outstanding Ely Gold Shares on a non-diluted basis, and approximately 28.3% on a partially diluted basis. However, pursuant to a pre-existing agreement (refer to press release dated November 29, 2019), unless the TSXV accepts Sprott becoming a "Control Person" (as defined under TSXV policies) of the Company, Sprott has agreed not to exercise any portion of his warrants if, as a result of such exercise, his direct and indirect holdings would exceed 19.9% of the outstanding Ely Gold voting shares. The Company plans to seek such an approval at its next annual general meeting expected to be held on or before May 2020. About Jerritt Canyon Mine Gold was first discovered at the Jerritt Canyon Mine in 1972, with the first gold poured in 1981. Between 1981 and 1999, mining was conducted via open pit. Underground operations began in 1993 with the opening of the SSX-Steer Complex and Smith mine. Presently, the Jerritt Canyon Mine is operated by JCG LLC, a private mid-tier North American gold producer. Its primary assets are the permitted and operating Jerritt Canyon processing plant and associated four gold mines located 50 miles north of Elko, Nevada. According to JCG LLC, since mining began at Jerritt Canyon, more than eight million ounces of gold have been produced. The mineral processing operation at Jerritt Canyon is designed to process highly refractory gold ores up to 4,000 tpd and the mill reported processing in excess of 1.1 million tons in 2017 and 1.2 million tons in 2018. Gold mineralization at Jerritt Canyon occurs in both upper plate and lower plate stratigraphy. While approximately 30% of the 119 square mile land package has experienced first-pass exploration, most of the property outside the mined areas, has not been explored to date. Lower plate rocks are known to occur at Jerritt Canyon at surface, near-surface and under valley fill.