Unabhängig vom Placement und SPP, was mich nicht wirklich glücklich macht, wg Verwässerung und da ich nicht am SPP partizipieren kann, und dies tatsächlich eine Überlegung wert gewesen wäre:
Es wird ab Mitte Juli, wenn der SPP abgeschlossen ist, einen schönen Newsflow allein zu Mavis geben.
Siehe Ann from 27.Juni:
Mavis Lithium Project: Twenty significant sized pegmatites, many with spodumene mineral evident, have been identified to date in outcrop within the Mavis Lithium Project properties. Supporting lithium soil and litho (rock) geochemistry results that suggest more spodumene-bearing pegmatites may be found. Individual outcrops vary in strike to more than 240 metres and range in thickness to 12 metres. To date, three generations of drilling since the 1960s have systematically demonstrated that pegmatites at the Fairservice Prospect are strongly mineralised with spodumene, and the first drill holes into the Mavis Lake Prospect, drilled in 2011, also intersected spodumene. Continuing work programmes, expected for completion during July 2016, include:
-Ground Magnetic Surveys to identify blind, near-surface pegmatite emplacements;
-Litho-geochemical Surveys sample outcropping rocks to identify the presence of distinct geochemical signatures which form a halo within several metres of rare metal pegmatites.
-Soil Geochemistry Surveys are used to identify rare metal dispersion halos expressed in soils where there is limited outcrop to perform a litho-geochemical survey.
These surveys, when combined with prospecting and mapping are intended to identify high priority targets for a subsequent drill programme. Already field reconnaissance this year at the Pegmatite 18 prospect has confirmed a spodumene-bearing pegmatite with a surface outcropping strike length in excess of 200m.
--> Drilling: 1,500m of orientated diamond drilling is forecast for the September-November 2016 period; and Identification and assessment of further potential lithium project acquisitions are on-going.
Pioneer Dome Lithium Project Following the recent discovery of complex rare metal (including lithium) pegmatites at the Pioneer Dome, work programmes will include: - Soil geochemistry and mapping. A 10,000 sample programme is on-going with the first results reported to the market on 18 May 2016. The Project has at least 14 pegmatite clusters identified by earlier explorers and soil geochemistry will help determine which of these are prospective for lithium. Prospectivity is further determined by geological mapping in instances where pegmatites outcrop, and this will be further aided by use of a pXRF field analyser. -Drilling: As targets are resolved, due to the sparse nature of outcrop at the Pioneer Dome, the next step will be percussion drilling to test directly for lithium minerals. Initial drill estimates amount to 5,000 metres. Soil sampling will continue throughout the September 2016 quarter, with drilling staged as results are received.
Acra Gold Project: Drilling programmes completed in late 2015 included: - Aircore drilling: This successfully extended the Kalpini South target and generated new targets, including the Deep River Prospect: (KPAC078: 21m at 1.0g/t Au). This further highlights the effectiveness of traverse drilling in areas of alluvial cover, and the potential for further gold discoveries. -RC drilling intersected high grade gold (9m at 6.17g/t Au) at Kalpini South, demonstrating the presence of a shallow, supergene gold mineralisation. A further 10,000m of aircore drilling is proposed to provide detailed information for the 2015 targets and generate further new targets, for completion during the September 2016 quarter.
Quelle: http://www.pioneerresources.com.au/investor.php#asx-announcements