May 15 (Bloomberg) -- Americans want Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to act to stop the dollar's decline, which has stoked the inflation eroding their household incomes.
A Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times poll found that 76 percent of Americans think the government should do something to halt the falling dollar. Among those with incomes of $100,000 or more, seven in 10 favored aiding the currency, putting pressure on Paulson, who's charged with setting the policy, to match his ``strong dollar'' rhetoric with action.
The U.S. currency has slumped 41 percent against the euro since 2002 and 13 percent in the past 12 months alone. That has contributed to a surge in energy and commodity prices to record levels, and prompted central banks to reduce their share of foreign exchange reserves in dollars.
``It's not just the economic impact,'' said Paul Burt, who heads Westlake Financial Group, an employee benefits consulting firm, in Lake Forest, Illinois. ``The perception of the decline in the dollar is as important as the decline itself. The dollar needs to be respected in the world, and the government needs to realize that.''
Burt, 47, had few specific prescriptions for the Bush administration beyond trimming the federal budget and U.S. trade deficits. ``I don't think it can be addressed very easily,'' he said, referring to halting the dollar's drop.
The nationwide poll of 2,208 adults was conducted May 1 to May 8. The sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points. There were 650 respondents who earned at least $100,000. The survey noted that economists say a weaker dollar both adds to the cost of imported goods and helps American exports.
ergo: ich muss also nun all mein geld in eur/$ puts stecken, weil Paulson (höre höre) gesagt hat, das man den $ nicht weiter fallen lasse solle :)...das wievielte mal war das schon?
Und Pendulum: deine erwähnung das du DAX puts hast, kommt mir doch recht spanisch vor, dies kurz nach Astrids posting von "Hedging" zu schreiben :) denn das waere in der tat zur zeit eine art Hedge! Gut gemacht würde ich sagen....wenns denn stimmt :)